

      [xiāo chú]





      eliminate; dispel; remove; clearup; wipeoff



      全部,eliminate,remove,dispel,clear up,elimination,erase,removal



      The U. S.has arrived at the point wherepoverty could beabolishedeasilyandsimplybyastroke of thepen.



      has been a shiningexampleof a sustained and determinedeffort to bring trade barriers down and of the benefitsthat brings.




      You may have to move around a bit to include oreliminate them,orreturnwhen the sun is atadifferentangle.




      Vice-chair of the EqualEmployment Opportunity CommissionLSsaid the goal of hergroupwas to eliminate discriminations in the workplace.




      Itwill take the fear out of moving from the point andshootmodesto the creativemodes of yourcamera.




      "We just don't wanttorisk the livesofanyone trying to be ahero and secure it,"hesaidin an evening news conference.




      We've got to dispel the myththatbullyingis just anormalrite of passage -- that it's some inevitable part of growing up.




      Allthissuggestsentirely new routestowardeliminatingpainorat leastmanagingitbetter.




      Even ifitmay be unrealistic to dislodgesuperstitiousattitudes, it does notmeanwehave to be ruled by them.




      wellwrittenspecifications with examples will beeasy to read,access and understand, so they helpusremoveinformationbottlenecks.

