
      [huó] [huo]








      〈书〉save (thelifeofaperson)



      alive; living


      vivid; lively; active


      movable; moving



      exactly; simply











      Somehusbandsalways sing the blues about how muchhousework their wivesleave with them.




      When he was a child he usedto knock around the market,trying to find a littlework to earn a fewcoppers.




      Youneedonly to breatheinandout to see that those youlove are stillalivearound you,and you can be very, very happy.




      It isnot enough to seeher; it is necessary that youshouldliveforher.




      Holywood'sGoldenGlobeAwards seem to be going Asian this year.as filmmaker "Memoirs Of AGeisha" s Ziyi Zhang.




      Hemust be fifty, and I don't believehe could everhavebeen much more the shadow of a man.



      Iwasshocked when he flew off the handle andtold me ifImentionedanythingof the kindtomotherhe'd skin me alive.




      But theyloved Elsa so much that they did not like tohaveher do anywork; very foolishly, they letherplay all the time.




      In10ofthesecountries,twochildrenin five will notreach the age of 40,said the compilers at the UNDevelopmentProgram.




      A hen has tolay eggs; a cow has to givemilk; and a canary has to sing.but a dog makes hisliving by giving you nothing but love.

