






      full; filled; packed


      satisfied; contented; content


      conceited; complacent; proud





      expire; reachthelimit



      very; rather; quite


      completely; entirely; perfectly








      全部,full,filled,packed,satisfied,fill,expire,reach the limit,quite,completely,very,rather,the Man nationality,a surname,fullness,MOON,full of



      But it would be likely to stokeresentment in the north,which would fearbeingcut out of the oilwealth.




      Her headwasleaned against the window curtains, and in her nostrils was the odourofdusty cretonne .She was tired.




      This year,when they started the annual promo, Igotacardandwondered if Icouldfillitupwith the required stickers.




      Snow reached to the tops of her boots andcovered the shed at the bottom of the garden so that it lookedlikeasnowhouse.




      He was moreworried that I might have my eyes on hiseightyacres, cleared andplanted, or on themoney the bank kept locked up.




      Shewas, of course,aware of her mother's quiet disapproval, so she made sure that they parted as soon as thewaltz was over.




      Althoughsomevillagers were happy to sellbecausetheirlandwasrocky, Ma toldme of one of hisfriends who hadprotested and refused.




      I'm afraidthatyou won't be able tosee the doctorforheis fully occupied with appointmentsthisafternoon.




      Butbeforeandduring that periodtherehad been a great deal of unhappiness andfrustration among better-educated women.




      It washard to evengetastandfullofpeople to see peopleshootin the earlyyears of Olympicarchery.

