

      [jī dòng]





      excite; stir; agitate; sensation; workup; agitation; excitement; activation






      "WheneverIfelt the heat might come down, I wouldease off.Itwasaverycarefulprocedure,"hesaid.




      Myminda while ecstasy,excitedly toward the coaches, and hug him, and my teammates have also runup to celebrate the goal.




      "Ihad such agreatexperienceon the last film and was thrilled to beaskedback, " he says.




      First off,thanks for inviting me for this interview,andI'm veryexcited to be "speaking" to everyonehere!




      I'm extremelyexcited to be given the opportunity to come and speak to youtoday about what Iconsider to be the biggeststuntonEarth.




      ThenearerIgot to the house the moreagitatedI grew; and on catching sight of it I trembled in everylimb.




      Thinkhe can't help sayingexcitedlyto the old people here: How much be "friend,thisstraw hat once supporting."




      Inever get so excitedthatI can't think and I never get toolow, either. I'm able to keep a middle ground on a lot ofthings.




      monthgirl did notfinish,awarmbunchofred on theexcitement of herunforgettablememories.




      Allow that excitementto saturate your body to such an extent that youfeel more aliveandready to takethe next step of your journey.

