

      [mèng jìng]





      【心】dreamland; dreamworld; manifestcontent; dream






      Theconcept"space"seems to besuddenly drive a kindofdream world sort of evenisinfringed upon by supernaturalexistence.




      Well,youcould.Butthen how wouldyou know that you didn't justdreamthepinch itself and then transition into adifferentdream?




      Tempted by a dream of happiness,hehad yielded himself withdeliberatechoice, as he had never done before,to what heknewwas deadly sin.




      This is often accompanied by feelings ofembarrassment and shame,butoccasionallywith the feeling of prideorfreedom.




      Lizette napped for awhile and wokecompletelyrested,thoughalittleunsurewhat had and had not been adream.




      Youknow,you're in lovewhen you can't fall asleep,becauserealityisfinallybetterthan your dreams.




      To be the dawnof the sunrisingfrom the sea,all the dreams are turned into decadentbubble.




      A fewmonthsafter the defeatof the Metarex, Tails remainswakingup to the samedream about Cosmo at the day of the defeat.




      Soweloveeach other,thissuddenloveseemed like the dreams,dare not to think, dares to want to dare not say, isnowallbecomereality.




      Sometimesyou bring waking memoriesbackwithyou,butare likely to put them down to dreams.

