

      [mǔ yǔ]








      parentlanguage; linguisticparent



      全部,mother tongue,parent language,native language,Mother Language,Be A Mother



      Ironyisoftenshowninderogatorysense, which is of help learners of Japanesetorecognizeironywhencommunicatingwithnativespeakers.




      Hespeaksnothing but his mother-tongue.




      Some of these singers were abletosingEnglishsongs just aswell as nativespeakers.




      Besides their nativelanguage,some of these readers are also abletoread, at variouslevels, inoneor more additionallanguages.




      Shefails to let him understand how much she loves him inhismother tone whentheyapart from eachother.




      Enjoying her native culture and fondness for her mothertongue,at the same time, being capable of speaking at leasttwoforeignlanguages.




      soon the numberofspeakers of englishas a secondlanguagewillexceedthat of native englishspeakers.




      Having done it a few times,I know that I can learnanewlanguage,orimprove in alanguage I alreadyspeakwell, including my own.




      ESL is an acronym for Englishas a SecondLanguage. ESL refers to the useorstudyofEnglish by speakers with a different native language.




      English is often perplexing tostudentsof the languageand to native speakersalike.

