

  •       prep.than; to (inascore)
  •       n.ratio; comparison; contrast
  •       v.compare; contrast; match; compete
  •       adj.【物】specific; 〈书〉closetogether
  •       adv.〈书〉recently
  •       网络SNR; proportion; aspectratio






      compare; compete; contrast; match; emulate


      copy; modelafter


      compareto; drawananalogy; likento


      gesticulate; gesture




      〈方〉betrainedon; bedirectedat





      ratio; proportion


      comparison; contrast









      to (inascore)





      〈书〉closetogether; nextto






      全部,than,to ,ratio,comparison,contrast,compare,match,compete,SNR,proportion,aspect ratio



      Iunderstand the foodhe cooks as he wishes it to be understood,and he enjoysmycookingmorethananyone else.




      Idecidedtotellhim that thecar needed some repairsand that they had taken longerthan had been expected.




      Cut outTV.I watched lessTV than ever before (eventually I watched none,thoughnow I watchafewshows a weekovertheInternet).




      Wehaveexplained that water is one of the substances forming out of aBigBang, and that waterplanets are more numerous thandryplanets.




      This theatre ofwar is bigger than the simple issue of beinggay,justas the question of love swamps the question of mere sexuality.




      We're not trying to makethemlookbetterthanother comparable studentsatotherschools.Wejustwant them to be on an even playing field.




      Hedidbetter,but continued to havedifficultywithsomeof the sameconceptshe had struggled with the previoussemester.




      Overload-Induction has nolimitations that do not exist in allrenamingsystems(suchlimitations are discussed later).




      "It'smuch better to be withoutshoesthanwithoutfeet,"hethought. It wasnotrightfor hin to feel so sorry andsad.




      In reality,France was nomoresupportiveofthe Tunisian regimethan many others who saw it as a bulwarkagainstIslamism.

