

      [háo wú]








      全部,not in the least,without,not at all,no sort of



      Contractswill be respected and businesswillcontinue,but have nodoubt, this significantcontributionwillbenefit the wholecountry.




      Attachitto the dismemberedlegofanunsuspectingcockroachandlistento its neuronsas an iPhone interfacecreatesvisualizations.




      And here's the crazy part:I just spent the lasttwodaystrying to work without actually working.




      There is nodoubtthat the celebrity spokespeople couldboost the saleof a product.




      "Never mind,then,"shesaid. "I couldn't be withsomeone who evidently has notaste. "




      WhenMicrosoftproposesaninterfacestandard,it has no qualms about changing it for something betterin the nextversion.




      There is no doubtthat the earthis goinig around the sun.




      this has to beonJVG.i defend him on mostothertopicsbutthis one isallhim IMO.




      His father's generosity to him had created a strong and sincereaffection for him in Charles's heart, an affectionwithout any reservations.




      There wasnodoubt that they did make a great progressin oral English and especially for their pronunciation.

