

      [zhèng zài]





      inprocessof; incourseof



      全部,in process of,in course of,being,doingNow



      "What we're beginning to see here inAsiaisnodifferent from what is going on inEuropeand what has alreadyhappened in the US."




      Various entrepreneurial researchersarelooking at waysof extracting carbon dioxidefrom the atmosphereand stashing it out of harm'sway.




      A few daysearlier,Yanggavebirthinthehospital a babyboy, the babyisunderobservation and treatmenttime of the incident.




      Shesaid Jackson wasin training forhisupcomingshows in Londonandtoldher:"Youhave to take careofme."




      None of that mattered to Dong Hua, a salesexecutivefromZhejiangwaiting in a ticket line at BeijingSouthstation.




      Olam said the two companies were discussing "a possible businesscollaboration which maytake the form of,among others, a merger. "




      the faceofman to say,is the womantoldpolice the store,he was justinthis to help Kandian, the boss does notknowwhere.




      It had to dowithunpopularityand that peoplethought what Iwasdoingdidnotmake sense and was wrong.




      Absorbed in his walking,Old Shuan wasstartledwhen he saw the cross mad lying distantly ahead of him.




      Hesaid it hadgiven up a seriousbattleagainstmulticulturalism,whichhe said was diluting thenation'scharacter.

