
      [diǎn] [dian]

  •       n.point; dot; spot; place
  •       qua.some; abit; 【印】point; tinyamount
  •       v.light; nod; burn; kindle





      place; point




      spot; dot; speck


      aspect; feature


      drop (ofliquid)






      dotstroke (inChinesecharacters)





      【印】point, aunitofmeasurementfortype


      tinyamount; alittle; abit; some





      light; burn; kindle






      select; choose


      hint; pointout




      touchlightlyaswithfinger, brushorrod; touchonverybriefly; skim


      sowinholes; dibble





      全部,point,dot,spot,place,some,a bit,tiny amount,light,nod,burn,kindle



      Agoodwaytobuild upabankaccountis to puta little bitofmoneyin it everymonth.




      The MDBcode is also identicaltothat of the point-to-point article;itprints the contents of eachmessageitreceives.




      Idream of acomplete water,gasupto the heartsuddenly: How doyousaythatyou and Ihavepaid you agoldrings or I get to you?




      I'm leaving now and Ishall be backsoon.Ifsomebody asks for me,pleasetellhim(her)that I shall be backafter10a clock.




      Awakefromhis nap butstillalittle groggy, Ian ambledback over to da box and popped up the scannerlogfile.




      And in an economicmeltdown, the government-sortoflikethis new,lesschoosy daddy whohastomarryamommy that nobodywants.




      Don't worryifthis seems abitabstract at this point:codeexamples will make it all clearershortly.




      Soilthree-phasestructuredistance(STPSD) between the ideal 3-phase condition and that ofa given soil was calculated in 2-D space.




      Thisthesiscarried out a thoroughanalysis on thispointand thus it hascertaintheoreticvalueand economic value.




      What you want, shouldI just cry on your shoulderandtellyou everything is all better now?

