

      [rán ér]





      yet; but; however; nevertheless



      全部,however,yet,but,nevertheless,whereas,and yet,at the same time



      Inequality did seem to fall in the United Statesafter the GreatDepression,but in the last30years it has increased enormously.




      Yet, for all that,Mr Mishkin stuck to theFed's line that it shouldnot have tried to restrain house priceswith higher interest rates.




      It is,however,arguable that thisburden is lessthan the performancegainedby transferring about half as much data across the wire.




      Buthereanaudaciousexperiment is about to try to replicate the cramped, claustrophobicconditionsofavoyageacross the SolarSystem.




      AndIwastrying to stifle the impulse to go to the drawer of the kitchen table and getaknife and defend myself.




      However, the petitioncountry's29-year-old singerwillpreventherchildrenfromherhusbandreceived the support of anyattempt made.




      Inevitably,whilereading and rereading and going over this little booklet,mythoughts are led to thequestionofhappiness.




      It is possible,however, for a foreigner to own the freehold of acondominiumunit.




      But McCaughey started the rumor that thiswasaformof euthanasia, where old people would be forced to agree to death.




      However it doesseem that there is a linkbetweenhighcommoditypricesanddeforestation, with a lagofabout a year(seechart).

