
      [piān] [piàn]






      aflat, thinpiece; slice; flake


      partofaplace; subdivisionofanarea



      cutintoslices; pare



      incomplete; fragmentary; partial; brief



      全部,slice,flake,a flat, thin piece,partialincomplete,fragmentary,cut into slices,paresheet,plate,chip



      Some peopleyelledandpushed aside one young man when hetried to press his way intoa spot near the frontof the line.




      Thisreallyhasbeenawonderfulholiday for us.Shallwetakeawalk around the pond? Or intothosewoods for a while?




      The word "spline" once referred to apieceofflexiblewood,rubber,ormetalused to drawcurvesonapiece of paper.




      Ageneration of Japanese schoolchildren grew up accustomed to having a bit of whalein their lunchboxes.




      Ge Laoer Huoci respected Hollywoodcartoonfilm"Shrek" ,calling it arare Watch Now is not the fairy tale.




      Heplays an insurancesalesman whose lifechangeswhenheretiresfrom his job and his wifedies.




      ABrazilianenvironmentalgroup is offeringhimayearlycash payment toleave his forest standing to helpcombatclimatechange.




      'SirCharleshadlefthisfootprintsall over thatlittle bit of the pathwherehe was standing.I couldn't see any otherprints. '




      Imagine this like aleaf that landson the surface of the waterand moves with the waves and the currents and cannotbeflippedover.




      We were inamountainvalleywithgrasslandon one sideandaforestbeginning to showsomecolor on the other.

