

      [yá chǐ]





      tooth; cusp






      Collagenis an essentialandmajorcomponent of muscles,tendons,cartilage, ligaments, bones, gums, teeth, eyesandblood vessels.




      Asmile displays beautifulteethwhenone has them;butshedidnotsmile.




      Andit was thenwe took overthegardenwehad been afraid to go into when the monkey screamed andshowed its yellowteeth.




      Ithad a beakandtinyteeth only on the sideofitsmouth.




      Dentistsalwaysaskquestionswhen it is impossible for you to answer.Mydentistjustpulloutoneofmyteeth.




      He sunk his teeth into the crocodile'snose,one of the few softplaceson th reptile's body, and itlet go of him.




      Actually,you're expectinghertobeterrified to be soclose to yourteeth.




      Upon closerinspectionwenoticed the others were looseso he took out a totalofthree of her bottomfrontteeth.




      Without a face,thetongue,teeth, nose, eyesandmouth will have to stay outside.




      In fact, the shade of the teethseems to evolve in the oppositedirection of the colour of the skin in the experimentalsample.

