






      explode; burst








      At the beginning of the increment, the increasingrate of the critical collapse distanceis much higher than that of any latertime.



      Indonesianauthoritieshaveconfirmed that high explosive was involved in at least one of the explosions, indicating abomb.




      To the press:"Iwish we could have done this in the first48hours,but then you wouldn't have had so much to write about."




      The police superintendent, Philip Cline, stepped down inApril after twovideosemergedof off-duty officersbeatingcivilians.




      Mrs. Bing: Oh,youwatchedtheshow! What'd you think? Chandler: Well,I think you need to comeout of your shell just a little.




      Thousands of people began to call in, swamping the 911 dispatchers with reports of sonicboomsandmetalfallingout of the sky.




      He had the blaster aimedandready, but heknew he would get only one shot,andit had to beagood one.




      With an earsplittingburstof superheated steam, the contraption lifts Rossgentlyinto the air and, for a fewnoisyseconds,heisflying.




      The ability to headshotletsyou take out most classes in only a fewshots and pairs well withyour ability to seeenemyhealth.




      OK, do youknow how muchpopcornis?

