

      [zhēn xī]








      全部,valuable and rare,cherish,zhen



      000birdwatchersproved the full pullofatrulyrarebird as theyvisited the Tesco car parkinKent, where it had settled.




      "Ineverimaginedin my life that Iwould be soclose to suchacreature,"hesaysin a telephoneinterview.




      Anythingsuch a manasksshallbegranted, his kind is sorare that no employercan afford to let him go.




      So the first priority of the centeris to help the continuity of suchararespecies.




      Still just aprince,ararekingcheetahis the result of arecessivegene.




      As is oftenreadin the newspaperreports,wild lifeespecially the rarespecies is threatened with extinction.




      Asisoftenreadin the newspaper, wild lifeespecially the rarespecies is threatenedwithextinction.




      Micropropagation is alsoused for conservation of rareplant species and that's specifically whyI got interested in it.




      Secondly,certainrarewild animals that are going to be extinctshould be collected,fedandreproducedartificially.




      Hearing that the zoo has just brought in a number of rareanimalsfromAfrica,visitorsarehoming in on the place to have a look at them.

