






      remain; stay


      reserve; keep; save


      accept; take


      letgrow; grow; wear








      asksb. tostay; keepsb. whereheis






      全部,stay,keep,remain,save,a surname,continue,Richelieu,wear



      "We are goingto be merciless to these shebeens,gangstersandallthoseinvolved in drugsandsubstanceabuse,"hesaid.




      During that period, the Party member concerned has no right to participate invotingor elections or stand for election.




      The impression that youleave with your host family, schoolandcommunitywillbe a lastingpictureof your countryandculture.




      A question of pride.Hefinallyjustwanderedhome.Still a bit of a sore point. Wetry not to speak about it. Exceptinpublic.




      "Mydream casting would be for Sean and Kristin to extend for anotheryear,"shesaid, "andkeepthatbillboardinTimesSquare. "




      somethingholdinghim there on the front porch.Herang again, and this time the door.




      HadIthehearttotell him then, He mighthavestayed until the end, Butmaybesomedaywe'llmeet again, InwhereI cannot find.




      Itwasadifferentroleforhim,he was more subdued because of the packed defencebut he reallyleft the spaces for others to run into.




      Hetold his wife that he had beendetainedin the office by unexpected callers.




      Forthisreasonshe drove fromher the recollectionsof her earlyyouthand her firstrelationswith Nekhludoff.

