

      [shēng mìng]





      life, vita, vivi-, bio-, -biotic






      全部,life on titan,being,bio,Vita



      NASA is notinvolvedinanysortofcover up aboutalienlife on thisplanetoranywherein the universe.




      And Ithink that the work shedidat the end of herlifefor the children and for UNICEF was a wonderfulconfirmation to everyone.




      Sometimes itisaspecialeventinaperson'slife that leads to an awakening,anditisoften associated with neardeathexperiences.




      Iftimereallyreincarnation,Iwish to return to the beginningoflife, as their ancestors did, re- lives thewar .




      Herealized that hewasluckyto be alive,andfelt that it washismission to helpothersinhislife.




      Unable to getoverthe hardships, he took his ownlife.




      "I would have expectedthe SDL to alreadyincludedatafileformats.Itshouldbeabasicpartofanysecuritylifecycle,"hesaid.




      During the twentieth centurythere was anunusualshortening of the time of awoman's lifespentincaring for children.




      There is notragedy in life, like the death of a child,thingsnever get back to the way they were. --- President Dwight Eisenhower.




      Inspiration is in onlyauniquestateofthinking, but a philosophical cognitivemodeandalifephilosophya well.

