

      [shēng qì]






      takeoffence; anger; getangry; fallintoarage; befuriousat; becrosswithsb.; flyintoafury; beinatemper; bemadabout



      vitality; vigor; life; zap; liveliness



      angry; cross; furious; indignant



      angrily; furiously; irritably; crossly; indignantly



      全部,angry,furious,cross,indignant,anger,take offence,get angry,life,vitality,vigorzap,angrily,furiously,irritably,pissed offmad,resent



      Iknowyouhavehadabad time,but don't take it out onme.




      Lovesyoutruly the girl,each time the vitality does intentionally has not calmed down,only is wantstolisten to you to roaroneself.




      UNTILrecently the jobsmarkethadbeen one of the livelier parts of amostly spiritless economy.




      Ifthere is aif,I would notletanyboyforyou to saysomething to offendyou . . . . . .




      Somebody wouldtry to get a little bitahead, then somebody else wouldsee that and get angry, and pretty soon, you're back to LAtraffic.




      Thathe took away his magazinewithout a word madehimangry.




      It wasmorning. Allen steppedout of Rabbi'sroom, and soonfrozewhenhesawKandawasleaning againsttheoppositewall,lookingfurious.




      It might not be possible to alwayscurb your anger, but it is possible to minimize the amount oftimeyou engage in it.




      He tends to get angrywhenpeopledisagree with him.




      Hewantedherto come to him.But he wasangry at the bottom of hissoul, and indifferent.
