

      [shēng huó]








      live, exist











      While cradle-to-grave marketingis now a fact ofAmericanlife, it seems topeak around the release of a Hollywoodblockbuster.




      for a soldier, to liveis to fightunceasingly, either to live with success or to die with cuts andbruises.




      This personmaybe someone youknow from yourofficelife,or your homelife,in terms ofahousekeeperornanny for example.




      another , which covers thewholeof the uk , allows any overseasstudentcompletingaphd degree to stay andwork for a year.




      Make your opinion. How muchofyoureveryday lifecycle isdependent on filesandwhat is completelyfile-less.




      Ifollowed my dad'sadvice for therest of thatsummerandhavelived by hiswordsever since.




      Travelhistory is oftenessentialin reaching adiagnosis.




      Unlike Ruan, Hu waseventually able to overcome theslandersof the pressandlead a normal life with her husband after Daipassedaway.




      Irealize that being astrongpersonisnotalwayseasy;butIbelieve that it is the ONLYway to live and to love.




      I had noidea what Iwanted to dowith my lifeand no ideahowcollege was going to help me figureitout.

