






      use; employ; apply


      eat; drink





      usefulness; use


      expenses; outlay





      〈书〉hence; therefore



      全部,use,apply,employ,eat,usefulness,expenses,outlay,therefore,with,by means of,in



      But the otherfourballsaremade of glass.Ifyoudrop one of these,it will becertainlyscuffed,marked, nicked, damaged or evensmashed.




      The shaft of the ceremonialmaceis the whorled tusk of a narwhal,asmallArcticwhale. The doorhandles are of walrus tusk.




      Thus, gaskets areused.Head gaskets are madeof him sheets of softmetalor of asbestosandmetal.




      Front of the childrenopenlylying, the childasked he said:Thisis what adults,children do notknow.




      And thisraises the question of whetherit is appropriatetouse the child porn laws to combat suchbehaviour.




      to try to see him in an understandingandappreciatingviewbutnot restrict him withyourself-righteouscare.




      Avariationofthisis to gently apply a bit of teethagainstherbreastasyou pull up.




      At thetime of ourstudy, there was nowayto log inoncetheystarted the processwithoutabandoningandrestarting the reservation.




      Soletmegothroughwhatyougain when youlook at theworldthisway,besides,youknow,entertaininginsightsabouthumandesire.




      Well,it's notas if I'm planningto murder acrowd of peoplewith a machinegun.

