

      [ái zhèng]








      全部,cancers,Chinese Journal of Cancer,the big C



      We kept that patientin a bit isolatedroom & toldhimrepeatedly that he is nothavingcancer; he wasmisdiagnosed & willgetwellsoon.




      At M. D.AndersonCancerCenterinHouston,interpreters have to have atleastoneyearof experience doingmedicalinterpretation.




      You see,myyoungwife,after a tragic battlewithcancer, had diedjust a fewmonthsearlier.




      Luckfinallyseemed to be onDavid'sside. ..untilhiswife was diagnosedwith cancer.




      The counseling program was startedsevenyearsagoinDenver,Colorado, and is now available at 21cancercenters around the United States.




      But the generalthinkingseems to be thatcancerstemcellsrepresentasmall population of the cells in a tumor.




      Largestudiesindicate that thissubstanceprotectsagainsta variety of cancers,including that of the prostate,stomach, and lung.




      Now,obviously, what I've sharedwithyouhas some far-ranging implicationsevenbeyondcancerresearch.




      Yes, smokers are muchhappierpeople.If it were justnotfor that nagginglittlequestionaboutcancer,I'd smoke too.




      Understandingcancerrequiresunderstanding the system in its proper context,notjust a tiny bit of the problem.

