

      [bái sè]





      white (colour); albedo; whiteness






      The next dayapicture of a blackhorse was on the door of the barinstead of that of the whitehorse.




      Thisgorgeouswhite Pomeranian art by Laura Sotka hasamystic, almost spiritualfeeling, and you can sense thewisdom in hereyes.




      Theycan have satinstripessewnto the skirt and the body of the genuine white dress to give it a little of splendor also.




      A little beyond the barricade, it seemed to him that he could make outsomethingwhiteinfrontofhim.




      Sheworearedribboninherhair,andwas the onlyoneof the white company who couldboast of sucha pronounced adornment.




      She hasgreenfeathers,blackeyes and yellowfeet. She has whitefeatherson her head.




      Sixmen, neatly dressedinwhiteshirtsandtiesfiledinto(file in) the boardroomofasmall Jakarta companyandsat down at a long table.




      After a while a rind ofwhitemoonandafewsparsestarssettledoverhead,enough light for himtomakeouta human form.




      Lizzy is wearing apurewhitedress with her luscioushairdownincurls,shylysmilingatthecamera.




      In ashort,white minidress,with masses offlowersinher luxuriant blonde locks, shewas the absolute picture of joyandhappiness.

