

      [kàn zuò]





      regard <> as





      全部,regard as,reckon,look upon,consider,looked upon



      Ifyour young childdecides to go vegetarian,consideritasign that theyareheadedforgreatthings.




      Some of myacquaintancesin the country come up to town once ortwiceayear to visit the theatreasaspecialtreat.




      Regardless,testingisoften viewed as something that simplylengthensaproject'stime to completion.




      Iconsiderit[amarkof] the progress of our legalsystem.




      He did notthinkofherfleshasflesh,-whichwasnewtohim; for of thewomen he hadknown that was the only way he thought.




      Secondly,because one's image of Chinais of arepressivecountry,we don't think of itasaplace with an activesexindustry.




      Hiswordswereencouraging.Ibegan to see it all asabadjoke.




      Inthetraditionof Slutsky,businesscyclescanbe viewed as the result of stochasticshocks that on aggregateformamovingaverageseries.




      If,however,youseethiscourseasaway out, there might be somepoint to it.




      But isn't it at least somewhatuseful to think ofournationas if it wereAmericaInc.,competingin the globalmarketplace? No.

