

      [zhēn zhèng]





      genuine; true; real; really; indeed



      全部,real,really,true,genuine,genuineness,in word and deed,Very



      Thisshows both that the regulations are arealforce to bereckoned with, and that progressthroughinternationalconsensusisfeasible.




      Everyjobsite is able to ensure that only a "realemployer" postsjob opportunities and cansearch through the resume database.




      Butifyou don't likethisstyle, all that reallymattersis that you(and your team)understand whatever nomenclature you settle on.




      And ifhewereChinese,wouldthere have been a "realfear"aboutAmerica'sreaction?




      Some peoplesay that Chinacurrently has norealmeaning to the trip,which is referred to in thisarticle for the trip.




      Spielberg's careerreally took offwhenhebegan to shoot his short films.




      You know hewasagreat soldier, a realhero.




      Thisneedsto be bigenough to make a realdifferenceand get at the heartof the problem.




      Someofhismore understanding fansaskedif it was any realsurprisethat the presidenthadlittletimeto"tweet".




      A televisioncommercialcanbring a customerinto a store,butonly a real, livesalespersoncan close the deal.

