
      [zhāo] [zháo] [zhe] [zhuó] [zhuo]






      trick; means; device; move







      touch; comeintocontactwith; getcloseto




      feel; beaffectedby


      burn; light


      〈方〉fallasleep; sleep


      wear (clothes); dress


      send; dispatch


      apply; use





      〈方〉O.K.; allright; well



      全部,means,trick,device,move,touch,come into contact with,all right,well,catchwear,AS



      There wasalongsilence. The Archbishoplooked down at the floor and shook his head. 'You're makingabigmistake, Sir,'hesaid.




      The night beforeIleft the fieldhospital Rinaldi came in to seemewith the major from our mess.




      Downthe road camea company ofmen,ledbyone who carriedalightbefore him as he ran.




      Andneitherofuscouldfacethethought of trying to prepare any food with him lyingthere just forward of the galley.




      It's afeeling of power, isn't it?All that information,all that content, right there foryouwheneveryou want it?




      Hewasalawyer,earningagreat deal of money, and hiskeeneyeslookedatyou speculatively, weighing, and somewhatanxious.




      Somephonemessagesmay have beendeleted to makeroomfor more messages,giving her familyfalsehopethatshewasstillalive.




      "Ihatestainless steel,"hesaid with a harrumph as he pedaled the grindstone. "Noonemakeskniveslike they used to. "




      Bushduckedbothshoes as they whizzed past his headand landed with a thud against thewallbehindhim.




      The firstdayswerefraught.Hekept his headdown,doggedlywritingjaggednoteswith his stiffened fingers.Hefeltoutof place.

