

      [niǔ yuē]











      全部,new york city,New York,NY,NYC



      "Ihadone of my bestdays and I'm veryfortunate that I had it on thisstagein New York," Stosur said during an on-courtinterview.




      'Wewantto be able to flyfrom New York to Los Angeles and be able to watchawholemoviewithoutabatteryrecharge,'hesaid.




      Meanwhile,otherhedge funds in New YorkandLondonarenowtrying to get collateralbackfromothergroups,creating more pressures.




      Hairy commutesaside,Mr. Vargas Llosa hassettled into ahappy New Yorklifewithhiswife, Patricia.




      "People talk like the recessionstartedayearago,"said Tom Kalenderian, the men's fashiondirector of Barneys New York.




      At leastfifty or sixty of ourguestsweregoing to be flying in to the citythatweek.




      TheNew York-based grouphadbeenpressuringHuaweitoleaveIranand had beencommunicatingprivately with the company for severalweeks.




      A fewyearsagowhilevisiting New York City,Imade a tripup to the observationdeckof the Empire State Building.




      On November 7,1872 the ship departedNewYork with CaptainBriggs,his wife,young daughter andacrewof eight.




      NEW YORK (Reuters) - U. S.banks seem to be riding high thesedays,buttheirfuturestability depends onthehiddenhandofgovernment.

