

      [jīng cháng]






      constantly; frequently; regularly; often


      day-to-day; everyday; daily



      全部,often,frequently,regularly,usually,always,at all times



      At the time Iworkedhalf an hourfromhome,I was on the roadwithsports teams a lot,and my wifealso was on the roadquite a bit.




      The North Koreanstaff is oftenthreatened; South Koreanpoliceuncoveredaplot to kill RadioFree NK's manager, Kim Seong-min.




      Soccerisoftenconsidered the world'sgame,but that doesn't mean the whole world is verygoodatit.




      While,longstory,shedidnotlikemeworking at night,shewantsadudesleeping her everynight, butIgot a job to do to pay the bill?




      THEcriminal-justicesystemisoftenaccused of going easy on miscreants.




      Thispurposeof this primedirectiveisoftenmisunderstood.




      In any case,stinginess is oftentied to a warpedsenseof self-worth:"I don't deserve to spend any money."




      It is alovestoryaboutaman with a geneticdisorderthat causes him to timetravelunpredictably, and about his wife, an artist.




      The temple where wemeetinTokyowas his templebeforehetookthepositionin Kamakura andhelikestovisit it atfrequentintervals.




      He took great notice of me,called on meoftentoconverse on thosesubjects.

