

      [jīng yàn fēng fù]












      全部,well experienced,Experienced,Extensive experience,rich experience



      TheveteranWelshmanwantstoplay on for anotherseasonandwouldalso be happy to help out hisnational side with off the field advice.




      Figure32showsa larger portion of the systemstatusdata in atextualformat,whichanexperiencedhostscreenusermightprefertosee.




      The companyhas highly experiencedprofessionalstaffand most up-to-datecomputermanagement system.




      Oneexperiencedheadhuntertoldmeshehadnever been askedfor a lawyertofill a boardvacancy.




      Theveteranmilitantwasone of the organisation'smostactivecommandersandwasviewed as a possiblereplacementforBin Laden.




      Microsoft's experienced display adsalesteam(via their aQuantive acquisition)shouldbeable to helpFacebook with the latter.




      Theveteranactorhas said he is ready to directafilm for the first time.




      Make it apracticeto always confirm such assumptions withthehostprogrammersor with experiencedendusers.




      Thatexperiencednegotiator,said the apologywithaction for at least the costof the negotiations,while the highestreturn on investment.




      If there had been theslightestsignof a storm,theseexperiencedfishermenwouldnothave gotten into the boat.

