

      [jié hé]






      combine; unite; integrate; link; binding; coalition; cohesion; connection; joint; union; association; join; incorporation; coalescence; coupling; junctura (pl. juncturae); concrescence; nexus; valence; merging; consolidation


      marry; beunitedinwedlock; betiedinwedlock






      Quaternary structure The pattern in which twoormorepolypeptidechains are linked together to formaprotein molecule.




      Note that thismilestone is notaligned with the actualdeliveryofanyresultsfromany(governed)project.




      The concept of"constructingaharmonioussociety" is an expression of anewvalue concept combiningHolyandSecularisation.




      No doubtandcertainlywe at NasdaqhaveaverystrongoutreachprogrammebutIjustwanttoputitincontext.




      However,all of hersolutionswerehacks of the worstsort, and Ineverwantedtoincorporate them into the productswehad to deliver.




      It wasalsojust a matter of time before someone started combining the datafromthesedisparatesystems to createsomethingentirely new.




      Adopting well-proven andfamiliartechniques, combined with efforts to improve protection againstpollution, is often a soundsolution.




      Bonnie: Well,withyourtrigger itch andmyfeminineintuition,weshouldmake quite ateam. Goddammit! These rabbits are at it again.




      And partical cash in advance is oftenused in combination with otherformsofpayment.




      Such a radicaltransformation of the view of "literariness"requiresto be understood within the domain of InformationScience.

