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      plot; draw; sketch; plotting; mapping






      Variablegridlineschangeas you zoominor out of your drawing,andareusefulwhen you wanttoalignshapesprecisely.




      "Wehavea lot of designers here, and whenthey're trying to drawordosomethingcreative, I start hearing the desks go up,"shesaid.




      It is not overloadeddefinitionseasy to understandandallowsyou to startdrawingdirectlyon the grid.




      In the precedingexample, FIGMENT is the nameofadrawingapplicationandDRAWINGis one of the objecttypesitsupports.




      Usethissort of syntaxfor a quick-and-dirty one-time change to the defaultplottingoptions.




      Youknow,a draftsman always makes his drawing in pencilfirst, and when it's doneherubsout the pencillineswithstalebreadcrumbs.




      Written by a child,drawnby an adult,ifitwereedited by an old man it wouldbe a greatanswerto a sphinxriddle.




      Gatherag on the twofrontpiecesuntil the shoulderseamabequals the stitchingline bf, to give the frontfullnessshown in the drawing.




      Informationfromourstellarcartographydepartmentshowsthatthis time there has been some form ofexternal tampering with the lattice!




      Pleased with hisprogress,Ileftthechildren with Mary Anne andwentfor art materials.

