

      [zhì yú]





      placein; putin



      全部,place in,put in,with comparatives afterthanior with superlatives,crosses at,Cl



      The Oracletold him to leave Psyche onamountainside where a serpentwould take her away.




      Assess externalrotation by having him place his handsbehind his neckwith his elbows out to the sides.




      It remains to beseenwhether tackling proliferation is something theworld's big powers are ready to putahead of their own rivalries.




      thesystem runs on a microsoftwindowsbasedpcworkstation which is a common, easy -to - use platform.




      And what we try todoinastronomyandcosmologyis to go back before Darwin's simple beginning, to set our Earth in a cosmiccontext.




      Inmedicalprofessionalism the doctor'sresponsibilityis always toputpatient's interest in the first place.




      Doubt about Europe'sabilitytocontain the debtcrisishasonce more sent marketsinto a spin andputItaly firmly in the firing line.




      You can help send them in the right directionbymaking your navigationeasy to findandusebyplacing it at the topof the page.




      The general,says one of them, had long ago gone rogue, putting his owninterestsahead of those of aunitedRwanda.




      Keyboardinputormouseclickinghasnoeffect,regardless of wherethecursor is placed,but the program is stillrunning.

