

      [pò huài]






      dogreatdamageto; doharmto; damage; disrupt


      destroy; wreck; ruin


      change (asocialsystem, custom, etc.) completelyorviolently; destroy; demolish


      decompose; destroy


      violate (anagreement, regulation, etc.); break






      Japanesecompanies have been grappling with astrongyenand a falteringglobaleconomy,whichcouldunderminevitalexports.




      Plucking these morsels from their habitat,however, is oftenaviolent affair that destroysother denizens of the deep.




      However,it won't be very long lastingbecausethis kind of film is relativelyeasy to disrupt.




      Hesuspected that members of his staff were purposely tryingtoundermine the projectandprohibitedthem from access to some of the work.




      Gen. Stanley McChrystal toldreportersat the Pentagonthat the jammingdevices had nothurt U. S. troops on the battlefield thus far.




      Shesaid anti-immigrant attitudescouldundermineone of the thingsthathas made Americagreat.




      Three of the plant's10units were damagedbutemergenciesministerSergei Shoigu said the front wall of the damhad not beenbreached.




      Kunda Dixit,editorof the Nepali Times,saysyears of a communistinsurgencyandinstabilityundermined the economy.




      Stunnedlocalsstaredat the damageandconsoled one anotherin the debris-covered streets.




      Bulkhead is a bit of a bruiser.Helikesusing his "wreckingball" hand weaponand is rather like the Thing from the FantasticFour.

