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      pray; sayone'sprayers



      全部,pray,say one's prayers,I Pray,Prayer,Prayers



      Ari only knew the babyish prayerhermom had taughthertosayprioramealorbeforesleep.




      ThenJesus came withthemtoaplace called Gethsemane, and He said to the disciples, Sithere while Igo over there and pray.




      And when he was at the place, he saiduntothem,Praythatyeenter not intotemptation.




      And he wentforwarda little, and fellon the ground, and prayedthat,if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.




      Latinos stillcomefromall over southernCaliforniaforbaptismsandprayer,social services andasenseofcommunity.




      Just as Iwas reflecting on the crass idiocy ofthisapproach, the last call to prayers began to ringoutat10. 30pm.




      Peopleagonized,prayed, and evensacrificedtheirchildrentokeep the godshappy. All that religion has been a waste oftime and emotion.




      Sayinguntothem, It is written,Myhouse is the house of prayer: but ye have made it aden of thieves.




      For aweek,hermotherhadnot been able to go to the nursery,evenings,at the child'sprayerhour.




      To one of the greatestleadersI've ever met, my prayersandhopes are withyouSteve.

