

      [yí dòng]






      shift; move


      【力】translationmotion; removal; shifting; dislocation; displacement; course; transposition; migration






      Matt Van Kirk, one of the rover's drivers,describedhow the rover wiggled its wheels as itmovedinhopes that wouldhelp.



      To get the most out of eachachievement,youowe it to yourself to pauseandreflect on the experiencebeforeyoumove on to the next one.



      The snakeroseoutof the basketandbegantofollow the movements of the pipe.



      Then thereis the rise of the mobileweb, which looksas if it will form the cornerstone of Google'ssecond act.



      He roseslowly to his feet,watchingthe youth'seyes and the dark barrel that followedhim as he moved away.



      Ifound that having onepillow wedged behind my backand one between my legs was soothingandeasy to move.



      One day, as shewasstraining with all her might to imagine her legsmovingagain, it seemed as though a miraclehappened:Thebed moved!



      Over the span ofseveralhours as the phone was moved, it continued to collectlocationdatafrom new places.



      Most suspension systemsattach the shock to amovinglinkageat the top, and afixedframemount on the bottom.



      Playing into the unevennature of the first half werea number of offensivefoulsonbothteams,particularlymoving screens.
