

      [kōng qì]






      air; atmosphere



      全部,air,atmosphere,aero,the air,air distribution



      Beyond this point, the enginetorquedecreasesmore rapidly withanincreaseofspeed. This results in a decline of power output.




      Allthiswetair is pulledin by ahighpressurearea over the IndianOceanand a low pressureareato the south.




      Theoverallcostofowninganairpurifier isn't just the price that youfootat the store;it is the priceovertime.




      That in turncoolstheairabove the surfaceof the sea,allowing more cooldryairtodescend from above.




      Nearby discharge moreofastrong 1045, the GreatMusichasnoincome, the air has been filled with casual attitudes of gunpowderincense.




      it mayalsotake effect after births forthechildrencouldinhale the aircontaining the smoke.




      Theycame up on to the sand.They came out of the water into the air.




      ''Ibegan to leave my body;Ibegan to inhabit theair and silence.




      Aerobicexercisehelpsstrengthen the musclesinvolved in respiration. Thus, the flow ofair in andout of the lungs is aided.




      Theinventionalsoprovidesanairheatingdeviceused for the method.

