

      [chuān guò]






      passthrough; crossover; passage; passing; thread; through



      全部,through,pass through,passing,across,go through,penetration



      Who ever heard of acobblersaying that there was nosuch thing as boots, or atailor maintaining that allmenare really naked?




      Witnessessaid the planecrashedthrough the hilltopairport's boundary wallandfellintoavalley, CNN-IBN reported.




      The traincrossingwasnotfarfrom Enke'sHannoverhome.Hiscar was found near the scene,unlocked, with his walleton the seat.




      Some days,whenhestalkedgamethroughtherocksof the Waste or the last greenhills,hethought about leaving, about going tofindher.




      "It's justaregular job,"hesaid,glancingout briefly at the skylinebehindhimand the tiny ships gliding acrossVictoria Harbour.




      The bear moves like a silhouetteacross the landscape, its blackfurblendingin with the darkrocksand dusky woods.




      It instead floatsasashadowacrossits piece ofland, preying upon the psyche of any who cross its path.




      UniversityHospitalwas all the way acrosstownfromMom's place, and he'd bedrivingbackin the middle of rush hour.




      Thenight brought snowandwewoke up the next day to see a caravan of yaksand Tibetan pilgrimspassing by on the snow dusted trail.




      Paraised his facetocall out again,butbeforehecouldopen his mouth an echocame threading its way through the trees.

