

      [shāo wēi]





      alittle; abit; slightly; atrifle



      全部,slightly,a little,a bit,a trifle,somewhat,sort of,a little bit



      Youcouldmove your headabitandlookaroundanitemintheforeground in order to see the view it had previouslybeenobstructing.



      In the back end of the seasonthey (Manchester United) have had afewlittleinjurieswhich have maybe stretched themalittlebit.




      Theresearcherssaidpeopleshouldstillexpect to see"drasticchanges" in climateworldwide,butthat the risk was a little less imminent.




      Around the wouldpeoplemakemusicthat,ifyoulistencarefully to it, sounds alittlelike the cadenceoftheirlanguage.




      AapologizesforhiscarelessnessbutB is alittleangryasshe has noother dress for theparty.




      Justasimportant, this voicealsoletmeknowwhentoreadalittle faster because thecurrentmaterial just wasn't that important.




      After the intensepain of life,finallyI came to understand I needa bit mundane, perhaps a bitlikealittlemundane.




      "That's our target, " hesaid. "Butwe're a little lighter on the lighttrucksidethanwe'd like to be. "




      The Bank of Englandhasbeensurprisedthatspareeconomiccapacity has been aweakcheckonimportedinflation.




      When the brushcolor,nail oil brushshould be toleavealittlesoftskinparts,notecolorshouldnot be stained to softon the skin.

