

      [lì jí]





      immediately; atonce; promptly; offhand



      全部,immediately,promptly,at once,right awayinstantly,directly



      All that means Morgan isprepared to repay TARP as soon as U. S.regulatorsallow, hesaid, and cangobackonoffensewhenmarketsimprove.




      Sometimes, Ye Qing wouldcall her boyfriendandaskedhimto see her in halfanhourandbringsomesnacks passingly .




      Youcantry to workimmediatelyaftercontactwithbody fluids, with a strongeffort to letyouforgetthisfeelingofnausea.




      Hesaid it iswrong for the Yimian grouptopay workers onemonthbehindand that thegroupmustcorrect this mistakeimmediately.




      Suddenly,there was aslighttremblingsoundfrom below , and the captain went down to seewhat had happened .




      It was Ann Peters'husbandthat (who) rushedhertoanearbyhospitallast night.




      I have always been convinced that if awomanonce made up her mindtomarryamannothing but instantflight could save him.




      Evenveryshort periods oftimeaddupto all usefulhoursIneed,ifIplunge in without delay.




      Manchester United have reached an agreement with Roy Keane which allows him to leave the Club with immediateeffect.




      all the facades in the streetasthough the doorofafurnacehad been flungopen,andhastilyclosedagain.

