

      [lì chǎng]





      position; stand; standpoint






      Obama isclearlytrying to appeal to Republicansandindependents to change course,ashedidin North Carolina.




      Hesaid he wouldtake a tougherstandagainstHamasthan the ruling centrist Kadima partyhas done.




      To saythat this newChinais the same as the old (meaningMao's totalitarianstate) is to be ignorantorideological,orboth.




      Isayallthistoyou to clarifymypositionasspokesman,although my genderismorebalanced and neutral than yourword indicates.




      The fact of the matteris that the statedpositions of the Taliban and the United States are at the momentverydifferent.




      But the Republicans seem to have gonefurthestin subordinating considerationsofcompetenceandmerit to pro-life purity.




      Thisrole is oftenstuck in the middle of severalteamswithdifferentpriorities; the DeploymentManagerneeds to beable to stand firm.




      Existentialismis nothing else but an attempt to draw thefullconclusions from aconsistentlyatheisticposition.




      "A handfulof US financecompaniescannotbeallowed to decide how the whole world votes withits pocket, "headded.




      The Bank of England'smonetarypolicycommittee is split on whether to raiseinterest rates,but it has gotmorehawkish.

