



















      〈书〉but; only



      全部,only,auxiliary word for ordinal numbersNumber,do



      Yes,thereare. It has beenused for the 5th National Games,AsianBasketballTournamentin1988 and many nationalbasketball competitions.




      Infactupto the endofchapter nine,Mark recounts mostly stories which took placearound the Sea of Galilee and the surroundingareas.




      Yourfirstwordsshouldconveythatyoucare abouther.Show your love for her.




      I never gave it alooktill the next day, on a boatcruise on the Danube, bound for Budapest.




      Buzzing with ideas,overflowing with wit, razor-sharpandready to blowyourmind:Channel 4 has always been freshandintelligent.




      Hereitis,"said the thirdvoice; and the ownerof it held the lantern and reveal the face of young Dr. Robinson."




      Or atleast,madehim re-think choppinghertopiecesonfirstsight.




      Technicallyitwas the firstfullyearsince the endof the GreatRecession.




      There isnoexactdate for whenthefirsthulahoopwasmade, but it seems to be an ancienttoy.




      Part IV is to tell us what the generalprinciplesshould be followedin the mediamanagement by the enterprises.

