

      [suàn le]





      letitgoatthat; forgetit; dropit; leaveitatthat



      全部,let it go at that,forget it,Forget it,Never mind,Nah



      Butasked how muchshesaves,shepausedtocalculate.




      Weseem to bedoing well for essentialsandthings with pricesbut got done buyinggrapesyesterday by astreet seller.




      Oh . ..leta person seehow many moviesdidnot mean that either do not see that thiscanonly comfort themselves by.




      Oh please,they've been going outaweek.They haven't evenslepttogether yet,Imean, that'snotserious.




      Calculate, 1 tried to hear to machinealso have not how much,turn pate to take to return to repairnice.




      After awhile,shetoldhim that shefeltuncomfortable when cookingmeat,so she said that she would only buycookedmeatforhim.




      Weshallnever get thatfellowtosee the errorofhis ways;we may as well givehim up as a bad job.




      Hethought over the mathproblemshard.Andfinallyhe worked itout.




      Forget it! Don't strain at a gnat.Asyouknow,he is hard up these days.




      No,I got to payyour dues.You got to start taking responsibilitiesfor your life.

