

      [guǎn zhì]











      全部,control,put under surveillance,regulation,regulate,deregulation



      And acap-and-tradesystemsounds"a bitlikebuyingindulgencesfrom the ancientchurch, "hetold the Wall StreetJournal.




      Althoughin New Yorkin the controlperiod, Avril actuallylive in the studio,but the beginningofherworkdidnotgetareturn.




      Even with the deregulation that created the derivatives market, the banking industryisstillheavilyregulated. There was nofreemarket.




      To see why a seriouscap-and-tradesystem doesn't haveto come at the expenseof economic growth, take a look at California.




      InTampa,awholeelevatedhighway that ran past the venuewasclosed to all traffic for a week.




      The loans allow Chinese gamblersto get around currency controlslimiting how much money they cantake abroad.




      Their retreats have come inachanging landscape forhedgefunds, poolsof money that were once scarcely regulated at all.




      The boarddisplays their blendedwines on the shelves dedicated topromotinglocalproductsat the frontofeverystore.




      Shortly after blackoutwe were disturbed by an orderly making his way down the length oftrainwitharattle.




      Guesswhathe did for aliving-hewas an airtrafficcontroller!

