

      [zhī hòu]





      later; after; afterwards



      全部,after,later,afterwards,After,after thatbehind



      After,I started to askhimif he'd likedthestory, a giggle rising in my throat, when Hassan began to clap.




      He thought to himself: Aftermany twists and turns,everythingwill become clear.Lifealso goes like this.




      Oneof the limitationsinmyoriginalsolutionwas that itreportedonly the matchpattern when eachtemplatestartedandendedexecution.




      So manyyearsafter her death,thishumblecreature she couldhelpto restore a little sanityinaworld that seems to have run short ofit.




      It wasthis kindof navel gazing that ledto its ownflotationin1999,afteryears of oftenrancorousdebateamong the partners.




      Behind the sands, the darknessiscoming. As the bloodisin the wind,it's being nearer. Don't stop,or you will lost yours.




      ButalthoughI found it easytolearnthis subject,I did notfeel that I wished to devote my whole life to it.




      ButthenIheard like apparentlytherewasagirlor a ladyworking on ityesterday like all dayand all night.




      'Mysenseis that a reasonable number of deals get worked out on broad brush terms, ' hesaid. 'Valuationtermsarefilledinafterwards. '




      said in a telephone interview that the traffic got a littlebetteroncehefinallymade it off the highway.

