

      [lè qù]





      delight; pleasure; joy






      Isuspect it mighthave been a selfish thing atfirst-- whyshouldmoms have all the fun, after all?




      Youlooka bitsadbutyourAngelstellyou that theyhadsomuchfunat your partyandenjoyeddancingwith you.




      Togethertheseplanetsshouldstir up quite a bit of spicy fun.




      Ourmovementmay be one of a few days' duration and full of pleasure, and itmay be one of severe conflict and deathtome.




      It's hard to tell if you'regetting more joyout of life,but it's easy to score yourself on keeping aweeklyoutingwithfriends.




      Most people whouse it alreadyseemtoenjoy the graphicalinterface with its extremely reactive GUI.




      As I spent time with Vivian, Isaw that she had sort of a joie de vivreinhowshe did her work.




      I don't like the great happiness oflife,butI don't like the numbness.Insipid in fun,thisiswhat I need.




      Butfor the sake of your child and your family, having fun needs to form acentralpart of anyinterventionandtherapy you pursue.




      Iwas so caught up in the funand camaraderie of my job, so high with the rush of money,Ineverconsideredsuchasimplequestion.

