
      [lè] [yuè]










      pleasure; enjoyment





      happy; glad; joyful; cheerful



      enjoy; begladto; love; findpleasurein


      〈口〉laugh; beamused



      gladly; happily; willingly



      全部,music,pleasure,enjoyment,happy,glad,joyful,cheerful,enjoy,love,be glad to,happily,gladly,willingly,Merlot,lok,sukha



      If it makesamundanechorea bit more interesting,or helps youstickwithyourhobbies, then what's wrong with that?




      May the God of hopefillyou with alljoy and peace as youtrust in him, so that you may overflow with hopeby the power of the Holy Spirit.




      Liu Chan entouragethink of the demise of native country,verysad,butSima Zhao Liu Chan said:"The musichere, do not think Shu."




      Ialsolike a bit of alternativemusic , and a littlerockmusic.




      It is saidof her that sheknewarecipe that distilleda clear liqueurfrom well cut rocks, and that shedrank it for her pleasure.




      Hesaidhe felt no hesitationwhentheopportunity arose toacquire Fila .




      'Wearegoingthroughamajorchange in the manufacturingcountries that is going to take a fewyears to sort itself out,' he said.




      Want the numbness and don't come to,be in lifeof have nopain, have no in the dust, as well doesn't matterjoy.




      assportto a fool to domischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.




      One day he sawa piece of goldon the roadand picked it up. He tookithome and gave it to his wife.

