

      [yī dìng] [yí dìng]






      certain; specific; given


      surely; certainly; beboundto; necessarily


      definite; constant


      fixed; established; regular


      proper; fair; due



      全部,certain,certainly,necessarily,be bound to,by all means,must



      ChristopherWaltzisgodlike,imean,uhave got toseehim, he has so much depth in his character that, ifind it veryrare these days.




      It muststabilisehouse pricesatanew,lowerlevelandmustnot get into the game oftrying to maintainever- risingpropertyvalues.




      Reserveholdersmust be scratching their heads at whetherthis sort ofexposureisprudent.




      The renowned astrophysicist saidhefears mankind is in great dangerand its future"must be in space" if it is tosurvive.




      It isat leastworthnoting,however, that forestpeople are notalways the tree-huggers they are crackedup to be.




      Ithought it hadtobethe Pharisees,butGod said,"No, you're the swine.You don't care enough to write down the things Isay to you. "




      I can't giveit up.If it takesahundred years itwould be apity.But I'mgoingto see how far I can go in my lifetime.




      It mustbepretty potent stuffbecausewhenhe pulled thecorkout, his eyes crossed and hegrinned from ear to ear.




      Plasticmake-upinrecent years madesomedevelopment at home and abroad, and itssignificantadvantages,unmatched by othermethods.




      We have to see himasa lad who needs to be slowly integratedandwehave to take a responsible approach.

