

      [yī shēng] [yì shēng]





      alifetime; allone'slife; throughoutone'slife



      全部,a lifetime,all one's life,One Life,Une vie,for life



      Butshe just confessedtome that she spent her whole life.




      Yingying,yourlife,thiscan be a happy, but the windwasalivesongsthat mix son of a bitch! !




      Icould be better thanBritney"- Avril Lavigne"Itwas the biggestrushofmylife.




      The bestaccount of Kennan'slifeasanoutsider on the inside is his own two-volume"Memoirs" .




      Lifetimein nothing butachancewhile Ni measurethischance at have noanyexcusecome and go come backthissectionemotion too!




      As afriend,Ireallyfeelthis kind ofthingforquiteapity that suchabeautifulgirlmay put an end to a life of its ownwell-being.




      Where your lives are not run by how muchtimeyouhave, where travelling is no longer a chore, and youcanlivein your dreamhouse?




      InAugust1966,attheageofnearlysixty-five,anagewhenmanymen retire,he began thegreatest voyage ofhislife.




      Andbeingtheircommander in chiefwas one of the greathonors of mylife.




      And itseems to meyou lived your life, Likeacandle in the wind.

