

      [bù dé bù]





      havenochoicebutto; beboundto; beobligedtodosth.; cannotbut; haveto; cannotchoosebut; can'tdobetterthan; can'thelpbut; can'tkeepfrom; cannotrefrainfrom; compel; forcesb. todosth.; havenooptionbutto



      全部,have to,have no choice but to,cannot butcannot help but,oblige



      Ifhehadpurchasedanapartment of the samevalue,hewould have hadto put down 30%,paya largestamp dutyandattorneyfees.




      Hehad to inquire into the causeof the matter.




      Ifinditverydaunting to have to give private parts ofmyself away to people,youknow?




      Lyingonthesofa,Ifinallyfaced up to the unwelcometask,took the listoutof my notebook,andscanned it.




      Healthinsuranceis peace ofmind-the last thingyouwantis to have to worry about moneyifyou are in an accidentor get sick.




      Although,you'll have to admit,all that constitutes a pretty compelling case for including himat or near thebottomofourlist.




      Hannahhadto place hermother in a nursing home yearsago.Maybethe home couldhelpyou track down the daughter.




      ''Kane's gotnootherincomeotherthan what hegetsfrom his parentsandwillhavetocomecap in hand to usnow. ''




      Without it,hesaid he wouldhave a reallytoughtime,especiallywhen he has to travel outsideof Seoul.




      "Yes,"shesaid, and "Goodbye and thanks. " For the firsttimeshefeltlikecrying; it was because she had to saygoodbye to them.

