
      [wéi] [wèi] [wei]






      〈书〉support; standfor


      be; mean


      serveas; actas; playthepartof


      become; turninto


      do; act









      全部,be,become,stand for,by,a surname,BE,as



      Herteamisnow working towards the first ultra-fast quantumcomputer,predictedto be the sizeofa current siliconechip.




      Nexttimeyou're getting ready to jog but don't feel 100 percent eager to doit,whynotgo out foraskipinstead?




      Shedevotedherself to the issueofwhythere were sofewwomenwritersandwhyitisusuallydifficultorimpossible for awoman to write.




      Today,I had to explain to my girlfriendwhy it is inappropriate for her to goskinnydippingwithhermalefriends.




      Thisexperience, with only a minimalpointofcontact,wouldpreparethemforanysort of contingencytheymightface.




      TheWestdoesnotseem to notice the steadydeterioration in human rights in Turkey,instead extolling it as a modelfor the Arabspring.




      LivingforGodisoftena sweaty,difficultprocess, soweneed to encourage one another. Hezekiah was a great encourager.




      Note that the valueof the nameattributemust be the same as the valuespecifiedfor the nameattribute in the matchingelement.




      Why don't youaskher to tellus something aboutherjob?




      Theroleof a Scrum Master would be gently guide the group toteamneedsratherthaninfluence the group with his ownperceptions.

