

      [zhǔ chí rén]





      host; hostess; anchorman; anchorwoman; anchorperson; masterofceremonies; MC


      emcee, mainlyusedinAmericanEnglish


      compère , mainlyusedinBritishEnglish






      I'm gonnatake the prerogative of the moderatorand ask the last question of each of you.




      As ateacher, you teachacourse at least for one term,towriteabook, at leastayear or 2, 3or a little longer .




      Out ofjoband down-and-out for severalmonths, they decidedtoattendapublic audition for radio deejays at anewradio station.




      The adoption ofsucha method is of realistic value in the time to call for the personalityandpersonalstyle of TV hosts.




      host:Congratulations, manny, another brilliant performance, as a pretty big guyyou just beaten up, what was that like?




      THEHOST: And Isupposeitbecomesvisiblenot really to us the userbut to somebody whomightstealit, to athief.




      In a time of serioushomogenization of emcees, one importantfactor that prolongs emcee'svitalityis his individualizedcharacteristics.




      Host:Really?You'vesold that many copies to make it aplatinumalbum?




      Videoreviewaftereachgatheringandthehostwillanalyze the actionsforyouto help improveyourskill.




      Lesdid dial thetelephone,but it wasn't tocall in anotherdeejay.Hecalled his motherfirst,andthen his girlfriend.

